Revenge of the Petites

Revenge of the Petites is a 2012 American pornographic film written and directed by Harry Sparks and produced by, a division of Amateur Teen Kingdom.

On September 18, 2012, journalist Anka Radakovich profiled Revenge of the Petites on British GQs website, labeling the movie as romantic porn or romporn a play on romcom, which appeals to women and couples.On Octoberand 8, 2015, KNBC television aired a twopart news report on the Los Angeles Unified School Districts practice of renting school facilities as locations for film shoots. Although the district earns aroundmillion a year from film shoots, the report focused on the practices hidden costs the impact on students, damage to school property, and the occasional use of school locations to shoot risque, adult, or pornographic content. The report specifically mentions Revenge of the Petites, which was shot at Alexander Hamilton High School over two consecutive Saturdays in 2011. School officials claimed they were misled about the nature of the production and would not have allowed the shoot otherwise. They also noted a parent had complained about the shoot. ........

Source: Wikipedia